Steve's Guides

How to Get Out of Private Browsing Mode on iPhone: A Step-by-Step Guide

Unlock private browsing mode on your iPhone with this simple step-by-step guide! Learn the easy way to get out of private browsing mode and start web surfing freely again.

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Published Dec 9, 2021

Difficulty: Easy

Duration: 5 minutes

What you'll need: iPhone

  • To exit private browsing mode on an iPhone, double-click the home button and swipe up on the Safari window.
  • Learning how to get out of private browsing mode on iPhone can help someone ensure their online privacy is protected.
  • who will be reading the article In this article, you'll learn how to exit Private Browsing Mode on your iPhone.

If you've been using Private Browsing mode on your iPhone, you may be wondering how to get out of it. Private Browsing mode is a limited-permission browser feature that disables cookies, browsing history, and other data tracking while web surfing. This ensures that websites won't be able to track or store information about your online activity. While this can help keep you more secure when accessing the internet, it can also make it difficult to use certain features or interact with certain websites. Fortunately, exiting Private Browsing mode is a quick and easy process that does not require any special setup or configuration from the user's part. In this guide, we will outline exactly how to get out of private browsing mode on an iPhone in just a few steps!

how to get out of private browsing mode on iphone

To exit private browsing mode on an iPhone, users should tap the tabs icon at the bottom right of their Safari window, then tap Private to turn off Private Browsing. This will restore the user's regular browsing history and open any previously closed tabs in the standard browsing session.

  1. Open the Safari app.
  2. Tap the Pages icon at the bottom.
  3. Locate and tap on “Private” in the lower left-hand corner.
  4. Tap Done to exit Private Browsing mode.

Our takeaway

The good news is that getting out of private browsing mode on your iPhone is much simpler than you might think. With the help of this step-by-step guide, you should now be able to navigate away from private browsing with relative ease. It may feel like a small victory, but taking control of your device and understanding how it works can make all the difference. Now that you know how to get out of private browsing mode, why not explore the other features available to make your iPhone experience even more enjoyable?


1. What are the steps to getting out of private browsing mode on an iPhone?

To exit Private Browsing mode on your iPhone, simply close all Safari tabs. Tap the “tabs” icon, located in the bottom right-hand corner and then tap “Done” in the upper left-hand corner. This will take you out of Private Browsing mode and back to normal browsing.

2. Is there a way to disable private browsing mode permanently on an iPhone?

No, it is not currently possible to completely disable private browsing on an iPhone. The best thing you can do is use apps that offer secure web browsing or turn off private browsing whenever you are done using it.

How does private browsing mode protect my data and activities online?

Private browsing mode helps to protect you and your information by preventing websites from tracking your activity. When in private browsing mode, the browser will not save your browsing history, search engine queries, download history, cookies, or other web page information. As a result, all of your activities while using private browsing mode remain unknown to everyone who has access to the device.

Can I still access websites when using private browsing mode on an iPhone?

Yes, you can still access websites when using private browsing mode on an iPhone. Private browsing mode prevents the website from collecting your data or keeping track of your activities while you are online, but it does not affect your ability to view the website.

What do I do if I can’t find the option to turn off private browsing in my web browser settings?

If you cannot find the option to disable private browsing, then you may need to update your web browser. If that doesn't work, try restarting your phone or reinstalling the app.

This article was originally published on 9 Dec 2021 but has been regularly updated to keep the information current.
Kyle Crisp
Kyle has been using Apple products for over 25 years. He loves helping people learn how to use their Apple devices.
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