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Show Me How to Save Audio Messages on iPhone

"Learn how to save audio messages on your iPhone with our easy step-by-step guide. With just a few taps, you'll be saving messages in no time!"

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Published Apr 13, 2022

Difficulty: Easy

Duration: 5 minutes

What you'll need: iPhone

  • Saving audio messages on iPhone can be easily accomplished by tapping and holding the message and selecting "Keep".
  • Learning how to save audio messages on an iPhone can help someone easily store important conversations and quickly access them when needed.
  • In this article, you will learn how to save audio messages on your iPhone.

Saving audio messages on iPhone can be a great way to preserve important conversations. Whether it's an important family discussion, a special friend's birthday message, or something else, being able to save and access audio messages from your iPhone is very convenient. In this article, we’ll discuss how you can easily save audio messages on iPhone in just a few simple steps. We’ll cover the best way to keep those cherished conversations for years to come using iTunes, iCloud, and Message apps. By following these steps you'll know exactly how to save audio messages on your iPhone!

how to save audio messages on iphone

To save an audio message on iPhone, simply open the Messages app and find the audio message you wish to save. Tap and hold down the message until a menu appears. Select ‘More’ from this menu, then select ‘Save’. From here you can choose where to store the saved audio message - typically in iCloud Drive or Files.

  1. Open the Messages app and select the audio message you want to keep.
  2. Press and hold on the audio message bubble until a menu appears.
  3. Tap More in the menu, then tap Save.
  4. Tap Save Attachment, then choose a location (e.g. Files, iCloud Drive).
Our takeaway

The ability to save audio messages on your iPhone is a great feature that can come in handy and help us keep our most important conversations close by. With the above steps, you now have all of the information that you need to be able to save audio messages on your iPhone regardless of the model. You can easily find and access any saved audio message that you have stored anytime that you need it, making communication with your friends or family members much simpler. Not only will this allow you to better organize your conversations but it also lets you free up much needed space on the device which can help extend battery life. Plus, imagine being able to listen back to old memories or funny conversations at any given time! So why not take advantage of this amazing feature and start saving those audio messages today?


1. What versions of Apple's iOS will allow me to save audio messages?

iOS 11 or later versions allow you to save audio messages.

Does the audio message save automatically, or do I need to take action for it to be saved?

The audio message will save automatically if you are using iOS 10 or higher. For iPhones running earlier versions of iOS, you may need to press a button or take other action in order to save the recording.

Do I need a particular app in order to successfully save audio messages on my iPhone?

No, you do not need a particular app to save an audio message. iOS 10 and later versions enable users to easily save audio messages via the Messages app. Apple also provides iCloud storage for saving audio messages.

Can I send this saved audio message to another person via text or email?

Yes, you can. You can share the saved audio messages with others through messaging apps and email on iOS devices running iOS 8 or newer.

Is there a limit as to how many audio messages I can store on my iPhone at once?

The amount of audio messages that you can store on your iPhone depends on the storage capacity of your device. If you have an older iOS version, the maximum number of audio messages allowed will depend on how much free space is available in your phone’s internal memory.

This article was originally published on 13 Apr 2022 but has been regularly updated to keep the information current.
Kyle Crisp
Kyle has been using Apple products for over 25 years. He loves helping people learn how to use their Apple devices.
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