Steve's Guides

How to Disable Bedtime Mode on Your iPhone

1. Need help disabling Bedtime Mode on your iPhone to ensure you get a full night's rest? Follow this guide for easy step-by-step instructions on how to do it! 2. Discover the simple steps necessary to turn off Bedtime Mode and sleep without interruption – check out our helpful guide now for more information!

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Published Apr 14, 2022

Difficulty: Easy

Duration: 5 minutes

What you'll need: iPhone

  • To turn off Bedtime on your iPhone, go to Settings > Do Not Disturb.
  • Learning how to turn off Bedtime on iPhone will help someone to have more control over their sleep schedule.
  • In this article, you'll learn how to turn off Bedtime mode on your iPhone.

Are you looking for an easy way to turn off Bedtime on your iPhone? If so, this guide will show you exactly how to do it. Bedtime is a feature that was added in iOS 12, and it helps remind users when it’s time to go to bed. This can be especially helpful if you want to make sure you get enough sleep each night. However, if this isn't something you're interested in using, fortunately there is an easy way to disable the feature. Below we'll explain step-by-step how to turn off Bedtime on your iPhone.

how to turn off bedtime on iphone

To turn off Bedtime on an iPhone, go to Settings > Do Not Disturb > Scheduled and toggle the switch for Bedtime to 'Off'. This will disable all scheduled settings that have been enabled for Bedtime.

  1. Open the Clock app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap the Bedtime tab at the bottom of your screen.
  3. Toggle off the “Set Bedtime” switch located at the top of the Bedtime page.

Our takeaway

After reading this article, you are now an expert at disabling Bedtime mode on your iPhone! Now that the settings have been adjusted, why not use the extra time to explore the many features of your phone? You can take a look at all of the new games and apps available in the App Store. Or maybe check out some of the social media channels you wouldn't normally visit. There's always something fun to discover on your phone! Even if you don't want to add any extra gadgets or networks, having more control over when you use your device is something special in itself. Many people struggle with feeling tied down by technology, but unlocking Bedtime mode has helped make life easier for them. So go ahead and enjoy!


1. What is the purpose of Bedtime on an iPhone?

The purpose of Bedtime on an iPhone is to help users get enough sleep by setting a reminder for them to go to bed at a regular time each day. It also helps users track their sleeping patterns in order to optimize their sleep quality.

2. Are there any benefits to having the Bedtime feature activated?

Yes, one of the main benefits to using Bedtime is that it helps users establish and maintain a regular sleep schedule by setting up daily notifications. Additionally, users can set their own bedtime options such as hours of sleep, wake time and even add reminders for taking medications or stretching before bed. This feature also provides access to helpful sleep related insights in the Health App in order to help people better understand their sleeping patterns.

How do I turn off Bedtime on my iPhone?

To turn off Bedtime on your iPhone, open the Clock app and select Bedtime from the bottom menu. Then tap Settings in the top right corner of the display, and toggle the switch next to "Bedtime" to Off. You can also customize when your notifications appear using the Bedtime settings menu.

Is it necessary to use the iTunes app to turn off Bedtime on a newer model of iPhone?

No, the Bedtime feature can be turned off using the native Clock app. Open the Clock app, then select Bedtime and you will see an option to toggle off or on. You can also use this menu to customize when notifications appear.

Can I customize when the notifications appear using the Bedtime settings menu?

Yes, you can customize when and how often Bedtime notifications appear in the Settings menu. You can also choose to receive notifications before and after your bedtime window. Additionally, you can select which days of the week to receive reminders.

This article was originally published on 14 Apr 2022 but has been regularly updated to keep the information current.
Kyle Crisp
Kyle has been using Apple products for over 25 years. He loves helping people learn how to use their Apple devices.
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