Ever had your iPhone 12 freeze up on you and wondered how to restart it? You're not the only one. It's a common issue that can be solved in just a few simple steps. And no, you don't need to be a tech whiz to do it.
In this easy-to-follow guide, we'll walk you through the process of restarting your iPhone 12. Whether you're troubleshooting an issue or just want to give your device a fresh start, we've got you covered.
Remember, restarting your iPhone 12 doesn't mean you'll lose any data. It's a safe and quick fix to many minor glitches. So, let's dive right into it and get your iPhone back up and running smoothly.
Step 1: Press and hold the side button
When dealing with a freezing iPhone 12, your first move is fairly straightforward. Find the side button on your device. This is not the volume controls, but the lone button on the opposite side of your iPhone.
Press and hold this side button. Don't let go right away. You're looking for a specific response from your device. It's not about simply clicking the button. It should feel more like a sustained squeeze.
As you continue to hold the side button, your iPhone 12 is going to react. It won't be immediate, but don't worry, that's completely normal. Whether you're dealing with a minor glitch or a stubborn freeze, this step is designed to trigger a response in your device.
This step is essential. Without it, you won't be able to access the necessary menu for a restart. Keep in mind this won't affect any of your data. It's not a factory reset or anything that drastic.
It's surprising how often people overlook this key step. They panic at the first sign of trouble and neglect to take the first tangible action against it. But with patience and a steady hand, you'll get through this step and be onto the next in no time.
Remember, it's all about the squeeze. You're not clicking. You're squeezing. You're giving your iPhone 12 a prompt, a nudge to say, "Wake up, it's time to fix whatever's going wrong." Don't worry, your iPhone can handle it. It was designed to deal with these hiccups and keep your data safe and secure.
This process, while simple, is the foundation of your iPhone 12's recover and restart process. It's the trigger that tells your iPhone that it's time for a fresh start.
Once you've successfully completed this step, you're ready to move onto the next one. But remember, it all starts with the squeeze. Make sure you're applying the right pressure, and hold on. Your iPhone 12 is on its way to recovery.
Step 2: Wait for the "Slide to power off" screen

Now that you've efficiently completed the first step, the iPhone 12 requires some time to process your request. At this stage, patience is key.
What pops up next on your screen is the "Slide to Power Off" option. Upon pressing and holding the side button, your iPhone will present this option. It's important not to rush through this step. Why so? It's because your iPhone is preparing itself for a safe shutdown, which is an integral part of the restart process.
This step is not instantaneous. The "Slide to Power Off" screen could take a few seconds to appear. Don't fret if it seemingly takes a bit longer than expected. As we stressed before, patience is crucial in this process.
In some cases, if your iPhone is unresponsive, the screen might not appear at all. If this happens, don't worry. The steps provided in this guide are meant to handle such situations as well. Every step that you're taking is a calculated action aiding your iPhone to retreat from its frozen state.
When the "Slide to Power Off" option finally does appear, refrain from using it hastily. Remember the aim here isn't to power off your device. You're not trying to completely shut down your iPhone, but merely trying to restart it. Executing these instructions effectively will guarantee a successful restart, getting your iPhone back up and running in no time.
Following the guide exactly as depicted will ensure that the entire data on your iPhone remains intact. None of your valuable data will be lost through this restart process. Therefore, don't rush through the steps. Have faith in the process.
The next part of the article will detail the subsequent steps to restart your device. This includes knowing when and how to use the "Slide to Power Off" option effectively and safely. Stay tuned for the next steps. You're doing great so far. Remember, nobody knows your iPhone better than you do. So, take your time, be patient, and most importantly, stay calm.
Step 3: Slide the power off slider
Once you've managed to trigger the "Slide to Power Off" screen, the process becomes very straightforward. Now, what you'll need to do is simply slide the power off slider. The slider typically appears at the top of your screen. It's easily recognizable thanks to its red color and prominent placement.
Here's your task: use your finger to drag the slider from left to right across the screen. You can take your time with this step too. It's important to understand that drawing this slider to the right initiates the shutdown process. Patience is the name of the game here, you cannot hurry through these steps.
The moment the slider reaches the right end of the scale, your iPhone 12 will begin to shut down. You'll see a small spinning wheel on your screen, signifying that the shutdown process is underway. Remember, don't interrupt this process, let it take its course. In a majority of cases, it'll take a few seconds to a minute for this process to complete.
During the shutdown process, the screen will eventually go black - this is completely normal, so there's no need to panic. This just means your iPhone is successfully shutting down.
In the next section, we will guide you through some post-shutdown checks and potential issues, as well as the process of turning your iPhone 12 back on. So stay tuned as we continue to guide you through each step of this process in detail.
Step 4: Wait for the iPhone to turn off completely
Now that you've initiated the shutdown process, the next part requires a bit of patience. It's crucial not to disrupt the process, so you'll need to wait for the iPhone to turn off completely. This stage involves a silent screen, signaling that everything has powered down.
During this time, avoid temptation to press any buttons or attempt to restart the operation. Any interference could potentially lead to issues, complicating what should be a simple process. It might seem like your device isn't doing anything, but remember, behind the "screen curtain", it's working efficiently to save your settings, close applications, and prepare for a clean start.
Once your screen is completely black (no logos, no spinning wheel), that's your indicator the iPhone has shut down successfully. It's now safe to move on to the next step - switching the iPhone back on. You've shown great patience, and ensured a fuss-free and efficient iPhone 12 restart by not interrupting the shutdown process.
In the potentially rare event your iPhone 12 remain unresponsive for significantly longer than expected durations, it could signify a deeper issue. Such situations might necessitate a visit to an Apple Store or contacting licensed Apple service providers. To help you assess if your situation falls into this 'rare event' category, the following table provides a rough guide on typical iPhone 12 shutdown times.
iPhone Model | Average Shutdown Time |
iPhone 12 | Approx. 30 - 40 seconds |
This is a guiding reference table, individual experiences could vary. Stay tuned for the next section where we will discuss how to turn your iPhone 12 back on, along with some helpful tips and tricks.
Step 5: Press and hold the side button again

The fifth action to take in the process of restarting your iPhone 12 involves some attention to detail. Press and hold the side button again. This action might seem simple at first glance, but it's an essential part of the procedure that needs careful execution.
The side button is your iPhone 12's main connector to its operations. Just one push to this button puts your phone into motion, stirring it back to life from its de-energized condition. It's worth mentioning again, a prolonged press of the side button is necessary. A quick press or a weak push won't do the trick.
Take note that at this juncture, your phone should already be entirely shut down. Therefore, you shouldn't be too alarmed if you don't see any immediate reaction. As the second action for your iPhone 12 into operation gear, expect to see a response. When the Apple logo appears, it's a confident indicator that your phone is good to go.
The area for action here is the right side of your iPhone 12, where this critical button is located. Depending on how you're holding your phone, it'll either be the upper or lower side button.
If your attempt to restart your iPhone 12 remains unsuccessful even after correctly following the guide, it could indicate deeper issues with the device. This situation might necessitate professional help. There's no need for panic - Apple's team of professional and licensed service providers is always ready to help. Your next best step would certainly be a scheduled visit to an Apple Store or a certified service center.
Now that you've completed Step 5, you're ready to move forward with the next steps in this iPhone 12 restart guide. Up next, we'll look at some tips and tricks to handle situations where the standard restart process doesn't quite hit the mark.
Restarting your iPhone 12 isn't as daunting as it may seem. You've learned the five simple steps to bring your device back to life when it's acting up. Remember to press and hold the side button, wait for the power off screen, slide to power off, wait for the device to completely shut down, and then press the side button again. It's a quick and easy process that can solve minor glitches. If the standard restart doesn't do the trick, don't worry. There's always more to learn about troubleshooting your iPhone 12. Keep in mind, persistent issues might require professional assistance. Now, you're equipped with the knowledge to handle a basic restart and understand when it's time to seek help. Keep exploring and you'll become an iPhone 12 pro in no time!
How do I start the process of restarting my iPhone 12 when it freezes?
To restart your frozen iPhone 12, begin by pressing and holding the side button on the device until it responds.
What should I expect to see when I hold the side button on my frozen iPhone 12?
You should see a "Slide to Power Off" screen after holding the side button for a few seconds.
How do I initiate the shutdown process in a frozen iPhone 12?
To initiate the shutdown, slide the power off slider from left to right across the screen.
How long does it take for the iPhone 12 to turn off completely?
This may vary slightly, but usually, your iPhone should turn off completely within a few seconds or up to a minute yielding a completely black screen.
How do I turn my iPhone 12 back on after it has been turned off?
Simply press and hold the side button again. The Apple logo should appear if the iPhone is turning back on successfully.
What should I do if the standard restart process doesn't resolve the issue?
If the standard restart doesn't solve the issue, your iPhone might have deeper issues requiring professional help or follow additional steps that cover tips and tricks for these situations.