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Easy Steps to Reset Apps on Apple TV: A Must-Read Guide for Streamers

Discover how to reset apps on your Apple TV with our comprehensive guide. From streaming service apps to troubleshooting advice and regular maintenance tips - learn how to maximize your Apple TV experience and resolve any app issues efficiently.

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Published Jan 29, 2024

Ever run into a glitch or freeze-up with your favorite app on Apple TV? Don't sweat it. Resetting your apps can often be the quick fix you're looking for. This guide will walk you through the steps to get your Apple TV apps back on track.

Resetting apps on your Apple TV isn't as daunting as it might seem. Whether it's a streaming service like Netflix, a game that's gone haywire, or any other app that's acting up, we've got you covered. Stay tuned and you'll have those apps running smoothly again in no time.

What is Apple TV?

Let's take a brief detour and talk about Apple TV. In case you're not already familiar with it, it's a little, yet powerful device that lets you transform your plain old television into a smart TV. It aims to revolutionize how you perceive television, making it more interactive, dynamic, and, most importantly, personalized.

The device itself is a digital media player and a microconsole introduced by Apple Inc. It connects to your television via an HDMI cable and uses Wi-Fi to stream digital content like movies, TV shows, and even music from various sources such as Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, YouTube, and, of course, Apple's own services like iTunes and Apple TV+.

More than just a media streaming device, Apple TV offers a range of functionality. It has a built-in App Store, which allows you to download various apps much the same way as on your iPhone or iPad. You can enjoy games, educational platforms, fitness apps, news and, many more genres of content through these applications.

All these features and functions, just like any software, have the capacity to encounter glitches. But don't fret - the process of dealing with glitches or frozen apps is not a daunting task or something you should be overly worried about. Later in this article, we will talk about how to get these apps back on track and your Apple TV running smoothly again.

In essence, the Apple TV is not just a device, it's a full-on entertainment hub packed into a sleek little box that fires up your TV's potential and broadens your horizons in terms of content consumption. Now let's move forward and learn about resetting those apps when things go awry.

Why would you need to reset apps on Apple TV?

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With technology advancing at incredible speeds, it's easy to overlook the fact that even the most refined digital devices can encounter issues. Among them, your Apple TV. As a microconsole that packs a punch, it's not immune to apps misbehaving.

Sometimes, you might notice your apps on Apple TV aren't running as smoothly as they should. They may freeze, crash unexpectedly, fail to load content, or have syncing issues. These glitches are not a reflection of the Apple product's integrity but a common occurrence in the world of digital media streaming.

If you find your apps lagging or behaving anomalously, resetting the problematic app is often the easiest and quickest solution. When you reset an app, you essentially "clear" its operating memory. This action can fix minor hiccups that cause glitches, effectively getting your app - and your viewing experience - back on track.

Furthermore, if the glitches persist even after doing a simple reset, they could be due to more significant issues such as software bugs or outdated app versions. In such cases, there are additional steps for troubleshooting that you can pursue like updating the app, reinstalling it, or resetting the entire Apple TV device itself.

Remember, the key here is not to panic. Glitches and freeze-ups might be annoying but dealing with them doesn't have to be daunting. Keep abreast of the best practices for maintaining your Apple TV apps and you'll find yourself navigating any digital hiccups with ease.

Steps to reset apps on Apple TV

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We all know how frustrating it can be when your favorite show buffers right at the climax, or your app refuses to cooperate. But before you hurl the remote at the TV in exasperation, remember there's a quick solution at your fingertips: resetting your apps.

So here’s the simple, step-by-step guide you need to get your Apple TV apps back in the game.

Step 1: Wake Your Apple TV

First things first, make sure your Apple TV is awake and responsive. Press any button on the remote and the light on your Apple TV should respond. If it doesn't, there might be other issues afoot that require attention.

Step 2: Navigate to the App in Question

Once you know your Apple TV is ready to play ball, navigate to the home screen and find the problematic app. Use your remote to highlight the app but don't click just yet.

Step 3: Close the App

With the app highlighted, press and hold the TV button on your remote. This will open the app switcher. Swipe to find your problematic app and then swipe up to close it.

Step 4: Restart the App

Now it's time to restart the app. Navigate back to the home screen, select the app and press the touch surface to open it.

While these four steps can resolve most minor issues, persistent glitches may need further action. Don't worry, you've got this. The next section will walk you through some additional tactics such as updating the app, reinstalling it, and even resetting the entire Apple TV.

No need to panic when your Apple TV acts up. These steps are your go-to first aid for common app glitches. Better yet, you're now ready to tackle any streaming obstacles that come your way.

Resetting streaming service apps on Apple TV

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While we've walked through the process of resetting typical apps, streaming service apps need a slightly different process. You've probably experienced a time where Netflix, YouTube, or Hulu weren't reacting quite right. Don't worry, though; a quick reset should bring everything back to normal.

Start by highlighting the troublesome streaming service app on your Apple TV home screen. Remember to make sure your Apple TV is awake and responding to your remote before proceeding. Once the app is selected, click and hold the touch surface of your Siri Remote. You'll see a jiggly little dance from the app icon. It's asking you if you want to delete it.

But wait! Don't press that button just yet! Resetting is different from deletion. You don't need to delete your app just to reset it. Hold the Home button to bring up the app switcher. Swipe right or left to navigate, and swipe up to close the pesky app.

However, if the problem still exists or seems persistent, it's time to take a step further. Updating the app might be the key solution. Navigate to the app's listing on the Apple App Store on your Apple TV. If an update is there waiting, go ahead and give it the green light.

Just as with generic apps, in extreme cases, uninstalling and reinstalling the streaming service app could solve the issue. It's quick and easy in Apple's intuitive interface. And, if all else fails, a device reset might be your last option.

It's important to highlight that this process applies not only to Netflix, YouTube, or Hulu. This method caters to all streaming services including Disney+, HBO Max, Peacock, or any other app that streams content on your Apple TV.

So, let these hiccups serve as experimental grounds to become even more proficient with your device. By following these different methods of troubleshooting, you're well on your way to mastering all the quirks and curveballs your Apple TV may throw.

Resetting game apps on Apple TV

Resetting your gaming apps may be a little more advanced, but don't fret! You'll have your favorite mobile game back on track in a wink.

the process is similar to how you'd reset streaming service apps. That's right, the basic principle is the same - ensure Apple TV is awake and responsive, select the problematic app, and use the app switcher to close it. However, there's a few additional things to remember when dealing with game apps.

Firstly, remember to save your progress. Game apps often have unsaved data which can be lost when you reset the app. Make sure you've saved your game or utilize cloud save options if available.

In some cases, you might need to force-close the app by pressing and holding the TV button, selecting your app, and swiping up. Afterwards, try restarting the app to see if the issue persists.

If you're still experiencing problems, it's time to try updating or reinstalling the game. Navigate to the App Store, find your game, and look for any available updates.

To delete and reinstall, press and hold the trackpad until the app begins to jiggle. Press the Play/Pause button and select 'Delete'. After it has been removed, go back to the App Store and download the game again.

If these steps don't tackle the glitch, and the issue is lingering across other apps as well, resetting the entire Apple TV device might be warranted. Remember, this is the nuclear option. It'll wipe out all your data, settings, and apps on the Apple TV. So, you should only consider this if all other solutions have failed.

It's safe to say you're now perfectly equipped to handle any game app issues that may arise. These troubleshooting steps could turn a frustrating glitch into a learning experience.

Other troubleshooting tips for Apple TV apps

Beyond resetting, there are a few other tweaks you may try when you're facing issues with your Apple TV apps. Let's explore these additional solutions in detail for a smoother streaming or gaming experience on your Apple TV.

Restarting Your Apple TV

Often, a simple restart works wonders for software glitches. Unplug the cord, wait for approximately one minute, then plug it back in. You'd be surprised at how many issues this quick manoeuvre can solve.

Checking Network Connection

You'll want to verify if your Apple TV is properly connected to the internet. Poor or irregular network connections may cause apps to stall or not function properly. Go to Settings > Network to check the status of your connection.

Clearing Up Space

Apple TV runs smoother when there's enough storage space. Over time, apps, gaming data, and cached files may eat up a significant portion of your storage. Check the available storage space under Settings > General > Manage Storage. Get rid of unnecessary apps or files to free up some space.

Keeping Your Software Up-to-Date

It's important to regularly update the operating system of your Apple TV. Every new update often comes with bug fixes and performance improvements. Go to Settings > System > Software Updates and select Update Software.

Contacting Support

If nothing else works, then it might be time to contact Apple Support. They offer comprehensive troubleshooting assistance, and there's always a possibility that they're already aware of the issue and working on a solution.

Feeling comfortable and proficient with these troubleshooting tips can improve your overall user experience with Apple TV apps. Keep in mind, your technical proficiency with the device can play a significant role in how you resolve issues with apps. Proper handling and regular maintenance of the Apple TV device can certainly go a long way. Experiment with these additional troubleshooting steps, and you might just find your silver bullet to resolve the app issues.


Resetting apps on your Apple TV can be a breeze when you're equipped with the right knowledge. Your technical proficiency plays a critical role in ensuring smooth streaming experiences. Remember, regular maintenance of your Apple TV device helps prevent app issues. So don't forget to restart your device, check your network connection, and keep your software up-to-date. If all else fails, Apple Support is always there to assist you. Now, you're ready to tackle any app issues that come your way. Happy streaming!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I reset apps on my Apple TV?

Follow the steps provided in the article to easily reset apps on your Apple TV. These involve accessing the app's settings and opting for 'Reset App'.

The app reset isn't working. What else can I try?

The guide also provides troubleshooting tips beyond resetting your apps. You can try restarting your Apple TV, checking your network connection, freeing up storage space, updating your device's software, or ultimately, contacting Apple Support.

Why is it necessary to update the software on my Apple TV?

Updating your Apple TV's software ensures it runs at optimal efficiency, fixes bugs, and enhances your viewing experience, thereby mitigating any issues with apps.

What role does 'regular maintenance' play for Apple TV?

Regular maintenance of your Apple TV, through resets, updates and checks, helps in seamless streaming and avoids delays due to technical glitches, thereby enhancing your overall experience.

Why should I contact Apple Support?

If the troubleshooting steps and maintenance tips provided in the guide prove ineffective, it's advisable to contact Apple Support. They can diagnose the specific problem or walk you through further troubleshooting steps.

This article was originally published on 29 Jan 2024 but has been regularly updated to keep the information current.
Kyle Crisp
Kyle has been using Apple products for over 25 years. He loves helping people learn how to use their Apple devices.
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