Steve's Guides

How to Crop a Photo on iPhone: A Step-by-Step Guide for Anyone

Take advantage of the iPhone's built-in photo editor and easily crop your photos with this step-by-step guide. Learn exactly how to crop a photo on your iPhone quickly and easily with no prior experience!

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Published Dec 23, 2022

Difficulty: Easy

Duration: 5 minutes

What you'll need: iPhone

How to Crop a Photo on iPhone Cropping photos is a great way of creating unique and interesting compositions. Whether you're trying to fit an image onto a certain size canvas, or want to play around with the various shapes and sizes of lines, cropping can quickly turn an ordinary photo into something special. Luckily, it's super easy to crop a photo on iPhone. In just a few simple steps you’ll be able to alter your photos however you wish! Here’s how you crop a photo on iPhone:

how to crop a photo on iphone

Cropping a photo on iPhone is a quick and easy process. To crop a photo, simply open the photo in the Photos app, select Edit, then tap on Crop to adjust your desired area with the drag handles or fixed ratios. When you’re done editing, tap Done and choose to Save as a Copy to make sure your original image stays intact.

  1. Tap the image to select the photo you want to crop.
  2. Tap on the edit button located at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Select “Crop” from among other editing options in the menu.
  4. Drag and pinch/zoom, using two fingers, on your photo to adjust it.
  5. Once done, tap “Done”. Your cropped photo will be saved in your device.

Our takeaway

One of the key things that makes working with photos so enjoyable is the ability to be creative. We all know cropping a photo can be a great way to get that perfect angle, but it doesn't have to stop at simply cutting out some unwanted elements. Feel free to add shapes and patterns, blur parts of the image or even highlight certain areas. With just a few taps you can take any simple snapshot into something special. So don't let your fear of technology keep you away from creating beautiful pics - now you know how easy it is just to crop an iPhone photo! Embrace the creativity that comes along with this feature and who knows – you might find yourself becoming an expert photographer in no time!


1. What versions of iOS will allow me to crop a photo on my iPhone?

iPhone users can crop photos on models running iOS 8 or later.

How do I access the tools for cropping photos on my iPhone?

To crop a photo on your iPhone, open the Photos app and select the photo you want to crop. Tap Edit in the top right corner, then tap Crop at the bottom of your screen. You can also rotate or flip an image by tapping Rotate or Horizontal/Vertical under Crop.

What are the benefits of cropping a photo on my iPhone compared to other methods?

Cropping photos on your iPhone has many advantages compared to using other methods. The main advantage is that you can do it quickly and easily, without having to install complicated editing software or learn complicated user interfaces. Additionally, cropping on your iPhone allows you to make precise adjustments that you might not be able to achieve with other methods. This includes adjusting the size, shape, and orientation of the cropped image.

Are there any tips or tricks that help ensure I get the best results when cropping a photo on my iPhone?

Yes, there are some tips and tricks you can use to get the best results when cropping photos on your iPhone. Make sure to zoom in and out while cropping to get a better view of what is being cropped. When you have selected an area to crop, use two fingers to adjust the size before hitting ‘crop’. Take advantage of touch-and-hold menu options, like rotating left or right, which will give more control over how the image looks after it has been cropped.

Can I manually adjust the size, shape, and orientation of cropped photos on my iPhone?

Yes, you can manually adjust the size, shape, and orientation of cropped photos on iPhones running iOS 11 or later. By tapping the crop icon in the top right corner after selecting a photo to edit, you can manipulate your cropping boundaries before hitting “Done”.

This article was originally published on 23 Dec 2022 but has been regularly updated to keep the information current.
Kyle Crisp
Kyle has been using Apple products for over 25 years. He loves helping people learn how to use their Apple devices.
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